Fire Safety and Fire Extinguishers are one of the most crucial things to consider while working in an environment that might impose fire safety risk. When it comes to fire safety, a lot of factors are involved which could cause the situation to easily get …
BS5306 stipulates that a fire extinguisher should be serviced once each year by a certified expert. It is also advised to make a point each week to examine that all extinguishers are located where they need to be and that there’s no evidence of damage …
We are delighted to announce the completion of a deal that sees Fire Risk Management Solutions Ltd join the Pendle Nu Tech Family. Fire Risk Assessments should be completed by a competent company and are a legal requirement for all companies. As our business …
As two of our fire technicians completed a refresher course on the latest regulations last week, we thought we would summarise the revisions to help you as business owners. Although we have to work to regulations as soon as they have been released, it often …